EDAC and Staff Members
The Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) was formally reorganized in the Spring of 2022. The Committee is comprised of seven local community members, one alternate, and two City Council liaisons, who represent large cross sections of the community and who have the passion, energy, and time to devote to all things related to Economic Development. The goal of this committee is to act in an advisory capacity to the City Council and the Economic Development Manager, including assisting in planning and implementing the five focus areas, goals and priorities set forth in the Moffat County Vision 2025 Transition Plan.
The EDAC meets the fourth Monday of every month at 9 a.m. in the City Council Chambers Room. Meetings are open to the Public.
Economic Development Advisory Committee Members
Chris Jones - Chair
Member at Large
Market President, Bank of Colorado
Sasha Nelson - Vice Chair
Member at Large
Economic Recovery Corps Fellow
Ashley Dishman
Member at Large
Business Navigator, Northwest Colorado Small Business Development Center
Deborah Fitch
Member at Large
Owner, Fitch Ranch Artisan Meat Co.
Edy George
Member at Large - Alternate
Branch Manager, Bank of the San Juans
P.J. Howe
Member at Large
Finance Specialist, Self-Employed
Tom Kleinschnitz
Member at Large
Director, Visit Moffat County/Moffat County Tourism Association
John McMurry, M.B.A., B.S.
Member at Large - Alternate
Amy Smith
Member at Large
Owner/Broker, Frontier Home & Ranch Real Estate
Derek Duran
City Council Liaison
Co-Owner/Project Manager, Duran & Pearce Contractors
Randy Looper
City Council Liaison
Chris Jones - Chair
Member at Large
Market President, Bank of Colorado
Sasha Nelson - Vice Chair
Member at Large
Economic Recovery Corps Fellow
Ashley Dishman
Member at Large
Business Navigator, Northwest Colorado Small Business Development Center
Deborah Fitch
Member at Large
Owner, Fitch Ranch Artisan Meat Co.
Edy George
Member at Large - Alternate
Branch Manager, Bank of the San Juans
P.J. Howe
Member at Large
Finance Specialist, Self-Employed
Tom Kleinschnitz
Member at Large
Director, Visit Moffat County/Moffat County Tourism Association
John McMurry, M.B.A., B.S.
Member at Large - Alternate
Amy Smith
Member at Large
Owner/Broker, Frontier Home & Ranch Real Estate
Derek Duran
City Council Liaison
Co-Owner/Project Manager, Duran & Pearce Contractors
Randy Looper
City Council Liaison

Shannon Scott, MBA
Economic Development Manager
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Shannon Scott became the Economic Development Manager for the City of Craig, CO in 2021 and leads the City’s efforts in business retention and expansion, economic and community diversification, building effective local and regional partnerships, participating in regional transportation and housing initiatives and effectively marketing Craig as an attractive and friendly place to do business. Shannon oversees the City’s incentive programs to include the Craig Urban Renewal Authority Areas, Brownfields Grant Program, Enterprise Zone, Opportunity Zone and the Rural Jump Start Program. She also recently served as one of the Northwest Colorado Representatives on the Board of Directors for the Economic Development Council of Colorado from 2022-2024.
Prior to arriving in Craig, Shannon served as the Economic Development Specialist from 2016-2018 and the Business, Retention and Expansion Coordinator from 2018-2021 for the City of San Angelo Development Corporation in San Angelo, TX. In these roles, she was instrumental in diversifying the tax base with a successful combination of expanding local businesses, recruiting new industries and beautifying the historic downtown district. She also has a wealth of experience in sales, advertising, non-profit management, fundraising and transportation logistics. Shannon has served in executive and leadership roles for several economic development and non-profit organizations in her previous positions, was a Top 20 Under 40 awardee in 2018, and graduated from Leadership San Angelo in 2020.
She is a proud Red Raider and holds a B.B.A. in Business Management and Marketing from Texas Tech University as well as an M.B.A. in General Business from Texas Tech University.

Melanie Kilpatrick
Executive Assistant to the City Manager and Economic Development Manager
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Melanie Kilpatrick serves the City of Craig as the Executive Assistant to both the City Manager and the Economic Development Manager. Melanie also serves as the Project Manager for the developing Yampa River Corridor Project for the City of Craig and Moffat County. She provides technical and logistical support for a diverse array of City projects and assists with the coordination of various activities, meetings, and workshops. Melanie has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management with a background in marketing and the creative arts. A native to the Yampa Valley, Melanie has a genuine passion for Northwest Colorado, river recreation/stewardship and adventuring with her family.
Shannon Scott, MBA
Economic Development Manager
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Shannon Scott became the Economic Development Manager for the City of Craig, CO in 2021 and leads the City’s efforts in business retention and expansion, economic and community diversification, building effective local and regional partnerships, participating in regional transportation and housing initiatives and effectively marketing Craig as an attractive and friendly place to do business. Shannon oversees the City’s incentive programs to include the Craig Urban Renewal Authority Areas, Brownfields Grant Program, Enterprise Zone, Opportunity Zone and the Rural Jump Start Program. She also recently served as one of the Northwest Colorado Representatives on the Board of Directors for the Economic Development Council of Colorado from 2022-2024.
Prior to arriving in Craig, Shannon served as the Economic Development Specialist from 2016-2018 and the Business, Retention and Expansion Coordinator from 2018-2021 for the City of San Angelo Development Corporation in San Angelo, TX. In these roles, she was instrumental in diversifying the tax base with a successful combination of expanding local businesses, recruiting new industries and beautifying the historic downtown district. She also has a wealth of experience in sales, advertising, non-profit management, fundraising and transportation logistics. Shannon has served in executive and leadership roles for several economic development and non-profit organizations in her previous positions, was a Top 20 Under 40 awardee in 2018, and graduated from Leadership San Angelo in 2020.
She is a proud Red Raider and holds a B.B.A. in Business Management and Marketing from Texas Tech University as well as an M.B.A. in General Business from Texas Tech University.
Melanie Kilpatrick
Executive Assistant to the City Manager and Economic Development Manager
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Melanie Kilpatrick serves the City of Craig as the Executive Assistant to both the City Manager and the Economic Development Manager. Melanie also serves as the Project Manager for the developing Yampa River Corridor Project for the City of Craig and Moffat County. She provides technical and logistical support for a diverse array of City projects and assists with the coordination of various activities, meetings, and workshops. Melanie has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management with a background in marketing and the creative arts. A native to the Yampa Valley, Melanie has a genuine passion for Northwest Colorado, river recreation/stewardship and adventuring with her family.